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Preparing Your Yard for Winter

Most homeowners consider winterizing their plumbing because the inconvenience of not having water or having a burst pipe are strong motivators. Although your yard being winterized does not impact your morning shower routine, the health of your trees is at stake and the safety of your house could be at risk. A fallen limb or tree can do significant damage to your home. Keeping your family safe and your trees in good shape should be priorities this winter season. Through simple preparations, your yard can be ready to face the harsh cold ahead. The TreeJob team wants to help you be prepared. Follow these simple tips to keep your trees in good shape this holiday season:

  •       Make Sure Your Trees Get Their Holiday Feast—We are not saying to set a turkey dinner outside, but rather check your trees’ nutrients to see if they need to be fed or fertilized. The right composition of nutrients is vital for the health of your trees. Test your soil to see what your trees need. Although trees grow and utilize their nutrients differently in the colder months, their roots still need food to support the tree.
  •       Trim Your Trees—Trimming trees can mean to decorate them, but we find tree decorating outdoors to be optional. We are advising pruning in a strategic way to keep your tree from becoming imbalanced or to prevent limbs from falling on your home. Also, if there is evidence of disease or damage, it is better to trim those branches off preemptively because they will be the first to fall when winter storms come.
  •       Determine if Your Trees are Grinches—A fallen tree can quickly put a damper on your holiday fun. Our team is TRAQ (Tree Risk Assessment Qualified) certified so we can tell you what trees are most likely to try and ruin your Christmas by falling. When possible, we will recommend maintenance to reduce your risk. Some trees are too dangerous to leave in your yard. We view tree removal as the last resort, so we will always help you preserve your trees.

If you are ready to get all set for winter, contact TreeJob to schedule a visit! Your yard can be ready for the coming weather with strategic pruning, proper nutrients, and risk assessment.

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